
As a school community we have a number of people who suffer from allergic reactions to everyday items, both adults and children, and have systems in make sure these people are kept safe in school.  Around 7% of children in the UK have some form of food allergy. On this page we have information on allergies for parents and carers to help keep our whole school community informed and help us to fully include those affected into school life. Any children in our school affected will have a detailed care plan which will be made available to staff as appropriate, we operate a lanyard system at lunchtimes which means all lunchtime staff in the dining hall can instantly recognise any specific dietary requirements.  We are a 'nut free' school and have a detailed policy regarding this. In addition, all staff have undertaken basic first aid training alongside St John's Ambualance staff (January 2020) including training of Anaphalaxis cases and Epi Pen delivery. 

If you are aware of an allergy that your child has, please contact the school office immediately to ensure staff are aware of this medical information and take appropriate care and precaution. Please remember, allergies and tolerances are very different. If there are any specific dietary requirements, please inform the school office or your child's class teacher as soon as possible. Children who require the use of an Epi Pen in an emergency must have TWO, IN DATE Epi Pens in school at all times. 

For more information about children with allergies, visit this website - 

Food Allergy Facts and Figures
A food allergy occurs when the body’s immune system sees a certain food as harmful and reacts by causing symptoms. This is an allergic reaction. Foods that cause allergic reactions are called allergens. Allergic reactions can involve the skin, mouth, eyes, lungs, heart, gut and brain. Mild and severe symptoms can lead to a serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis (anna-fihLACK-sis). This reaction usually involves more than one part of the body and can worsen quickly. Anaphylaxis must be treated right away to provide the best chance for improvement and prevent serious, potentially life-threatening complications. 

What Are the Most Frequent Food Allergies?
Eight foods cause 90 percent of most food allergy reactions: Milk Egg Peanut Tree nut (e.g., almonds, walnut, pecans, cashews, pistachios) Wheat Soy Fish (e.g., bass, flounder, cod) Shellfish (e.g., crab, shrimp, scallop, clams) Allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish tend to persist lifelong. Allergies to milk, egg, wheat and soy often disappear with age, but not always.  

What Is Anaphylaxis? 
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction. Not all allergic reactions are anaphylactic. Anaphylaxis can cause: Tightening of the airways Swelling of the throat Severely low blood pressure Shock Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can include: Skin: hives (often very itchy), flushed skin or rash Mouth: swelling of the lips, tongue and throat; tingling or itchy feeling in the mouth Lungs: shortness of breath, trouble breathing, coughing or wheezing Heart: dizziness, lightheadedness Stomach: vomiting, diarrhea Food, latex, insect stings and medicines can cause a severe allergic reaction.

How Are Food Allergies Managed and Treated? 
There is currently no cure for food allergies. Avoiding the allergen is the most important way to prevent a reaction. Those with food allergies should carefully read food labels and always ask about ingredients before eating the food. Epinephrine is the first line of treatment for anaphylaxis. Those with food allergies should always have epinephrine auto-injectors on hand. If a person is having anaphylaxis, they should: Follow their Anaphylaxis Action Plan Use their epinephrine auto-injector Call 999 and state the word: ANAPHALAXIS. 

The Arches Community Primary School

Saughall Road, Blacon, Chester CH1 5EZ

Nicky Johnson: SEN Contact

Michelle Ashfield: Headteacher

01244 667660

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