Friends of The Arches
We Need YOU!
As a PTA, our events rely heavily on the school community. The more members we have, the more events we can run and we can make them bigger and more exciting than ever before! We have had some hugely successful and enjoyable events of the years and have been able to provide some excellent resources and experiences for the children.
As we are a 'Friends of' association, you don't need to be a parent to come in and help. Anybody that has some free time and would like to get involved is VERY welcome to come along!
We have 4 meetings a year where we discuss what we have spent the fundraising on, what we might want to fundraise for and what we would like events to be. These meetings are voluntary and very informal - a cupt of tea or coffee and some biscuits around the table to chat about ideas. If you don't wish to attend the meetings but would like to help then that is appreciated too.
If you would like to find out more then send me a message via Twitter (either the school page or PTA page), Facebook, email or pop and see Mrs Rumsey in Class One or send an email to her personally as outlined below.